Physics Lab Equipment

LEOI-30 Determination of Diffraction Intensity Distribution- Complete Model

LEOI-30 Determination of Diffraction Intensity Distribution- Complete Model


  • Stable performance with easy operation

  • LED display with accurate reading

  • Including He-Ne laser and photodetector with amplifier

  • Complete system


This system can be used to quantitatively investigate diffraction effects. To capture and analyze diffraction patterns, a photocell is used to transform diffraction pattern into current which is displayed by a digital meter. The intensity distribution of diffraction can be plotted with the numerical data recorded. This experiment can help students understand the wave nature of light and improve their experimental skills. The instruction manual contains comprehensive materials including experimental configurations, principles and step-by-step instructions. Please click Experiment Theory and Contents to find more information about this apparatus.


Using this system, the following experimental examples can be conducted:


Fraunhofer Diffraction (Far-field)

1. Fraunhofer diffraction through a single-slit

2. Fraunhofer diffraction through a multi-slit plate

3. Fraunhofer diffraction through a single circular aperture

4. Fraunhofer diffraction through a transmission grating


Fresnel Diffraction (Near-field)

1. Fresnel diffraction through a single-slit

2. Fresnel diffraction through a multi-slit plate

3. Fresnel diffraction through a circular aperture

4. Fresnel diffraction past a straight edge

Part List

Optical Rail1 m, Black anodized aluminum1
Carrierx-z translations1
Transverse Measurement StageTravel: 80 mm, Accuracy: 0.1 mm1
He-Ne Laser>2.0 mW (LLL-2)1
Lens HolderSZ-082
Plate HolderSZ-121
White ScreenSZ-131
Adjustable SlitContinuously adjustable from 0-2 mm (SZ-40)1
Laser HolderSZ-421
Lensf '= 6.2, 150 mm1 each
Multi-slit Chrome Plate2,3,4,5 slits (slit width: 0.03 mm; adjacent slit gap: 0.06 mm)1
Multi-hole Chrome Plate5 circular holes: 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4//0.5 mm (diameter)1
5 square holes: 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 mm (side length)
Grating20 lines/mm (with mount)1
Detector and AmplifierPhotocurrent amplifier (light meter)1

LEOI-30 Measurement -1.jpgFraunhofer diffraction of single slit

LEOI-30 Measurement -2.jpgFraunhofer diffraction of multiple slits

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