Physics Lab Equipment

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-1.jpg

Schematic of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-2.jpg

Schematic of measuring the refractive index of air

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-3.jpg

Fraunhofer diffraction of a single slit

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-4.jpg

Fraunhofer diffraction of multiple slits

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-5.jpg

Schematic of multi-slit diffraction

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-6.jpg

Verification of Malus's Law

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction & Polarization Kit - Enhanced Model

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction & Polarization Kit - Enhanced Model

Note: stainless steel optical table or breadboard not provided


  • Comprehensive experiments

  • Detailed instruction manual

  • Easy alignment and setup


The LEOK-9 Kit is an advanced educational tool designed to provide in-depth exploration of optical interference, diffraction, and polarization. Developed for use in general physics education at colleges and universities, this comprehensive kit includes all the necessary components—optical and mechanical—as well as a light source to allow students to conduct a wide variety of experiments. By selecting and assembling individual components into various setups, students will improve their experimental skills and ability to solve complex problems.

The instructional manual is thorough, featuring experimental configurations, principles, step-by-step instructions, and detailed photos of the required parts. It provides a great learning experience for those studying the principles of optics and light behavior.

Please click to view some sample pages of the instruction manual. Using this system, the following experiment examples can be conducted:

Build Interferometers and Observe Interference Patterns

Construct a Michelson interferometer and measure the refractive index of air

Construct a Sagnac interferometer

Construct a Mach-Zehnder interferometer


Set Up Fraunhofer Diffraction and Measure Intensity Distribution

Fraunhofer diffraction through a Single Slit

Fraunhofer diffraction through a Multi-Slit Plate

Fraunhofer diffraction through a Single Circular Aperture

Fraunhofer diffraction through a Transmission Grating


Set Up Fresnel Diffraction and Measure Intensity Distribution

Fresnel diffraction through a Single Slit

Fresnel diffraction through a Multi-Slit Plate

Fresnel diffraction through a Circular Aperture

Fresnel diffraction past a Straight Edge


Measure and Analyze Polarization Status of Light Beams 
Brewster's angle measurement of a black glass
Verification of Malus's Law
Function study of a half-wave plate
Function study of a quarter-wave plate: circularly and elliptically polarized light

The LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction & Polarization Kit - Enhanced Model is an ideal solution for those looking to explore the fundamental principles of optics in a comprehensive and hands-on manner. By covering a wide range of experiments, from interferometry and diffraction to polarization, students can gain deep insights into the behavior of light. This kit serves as an essential tool in advanced optics education, providing both theoretical understanding and practical experience.

Part List

DescriptionSpecs/Part #Qty
He-Ne laserLLL-2 (>2.0 mW@632.8 nm)1
Transversal measurement stageRange: 80 mm; accuracy: 0.1 mm1
Magnetic base with post holderSZ-043
Two-axis mirror holderSZ-072
Lens holderSZ-082
Plate holderSZ-121
White screenSZ-131
Aperture adjustable bar clampSZ-191
Adjustable slitSZ-401
Laser tube holderSZ-421
Optical goniometerSZ-471
Polarizer holderSZ-513
Beam splitter50/502
Half-wave plate
Quarter-wave plate
Black glass sheet
Flat mirrorΦ 36 mm2
Lensf ' = 6.2, 150 mm1 each
Grating20 l/mm1
Multiple-slit & multi-hole plate

Single slit: 0.06 & 0.1 mm

Multi-slit: 2, 3, 4, 5 (slit width: 0.03 mm; center-to-center: 0.09 mm)

Round holes: diameter: 0.05, 0.1,  0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 mm

Square holes: length: 0.05, 0.1,  0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 mm

Optical rail1 m; aluminum1
Universal carrier
X-translation carrier
X-Z translation carrier
Air chamber with gauge
Manual Counter4 digits, counts 0 ~ 99991
Photocurrent amplifierLight meter1

Note: a stainless steel optical table or breadboard ≥900 mm x 600 mm) is needed for use with this kit.

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-1.jpg

Schematic of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-2.jpg

Schematic of measuring the refractive index of air

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-3.jpg

Fraunhofer diffraction of a single slit

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-4.jpg

Fraunhofer diffraction of multiple slits

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-5.jpg

Schematic of multi-slit diffraction

LEOK-9 Interference, Diffraction-6.jpg

Verification of Malus's Law

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