Physics Lab Equipment

LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry Experiment Kit

LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry Experiment Kit

Note: stainless steel optical table or breadboard not provided


  • 5 fundamental experiments

  • Detailed instruction manual

  • Easy alignment and setup


The LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry Experiment Kit is designed for general physics education at universities and colleges. This kit offers a comprehensive set of optical, mechanical, and light source components to conduct a variety of experiments in holography and interferometry. The accompanying instruction manual includes detailed experimental configurations, principles, step-by-step instructions, and visual aids for each experiment, providing students with a hands-on opportunity to explore these fascinating areas of optical science.

By using this kit, students can develop a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of holography and interferometry, as well as their practical applications in both scientific and industrial settings.

The LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry Experiment Kit enables students to carry out the following five key experiments:

1. Recording and reconstructing holograms

2. Making holographic gratings

3. Constructing a Michelson interferometer and measuring the refractive index of air

4. Constructing a Sagnac interferometer

5. Constructing a Mach-Zehnder interferometer

The LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry Experiment Kit is a comprehensive and engaging tool for teaching students about the fundamental principles and applications of holography and interferometry. With clear instructions and practical experiments, the kit enables students to build and understand key optical setups used in both scientific research and technological applications. Through hands-on experience, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the wave properties of light and their use in advanced measurement techniques.

Part List 

He-Ne LaserLLL-2 (>2.0 mW@632.8 nm)1
Aperture Adjustable Bar ClampSZ-191
Lens HolderSZ-082
Two-Axis Mirror HolderSZ-073
Plate HolderSZ-121
Magnetic Base with Post HolderSZ-045
Beam Splitter50/50, 50/50, 30/701 each
Flat MirrorΦ 36 mm3
Lensf ' = 6.2, 15, 225 mm1 each
Sample StageSZ-201
White ScreenSZ-131
Optical Rail1 m; aluminum1
X-Translation Carrier
X-Z-Translation Carrier
Holographic Plate12 pc silver salt plates (9x24 cm of each plate)1 box
Air Chamber with Pump & Gauge
Manual Counter4 digits, counts 0 ~ 99991

Note: a stainless steel optical table or breadboard (1200 mm x 600 mm) with optimal damping is needed for use with this kit.

LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry-1.png

Measuring refractive index of air

LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry-2.png

Recording & reconstructing holograms

LEOK-2 Holography & Interferometry-3.png

Recording holographic grating

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