Physics Lab Equipment

LETI-12 Apparatus of Measuring Specific Heat Capacity of Metal

LETI-12 Apparatus of Measuring Specific Heat Capacity of Metal


  • High performance

  • Simple structure, stable and reliable

  • Affordable


The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of the substance by 1 K (or 1 °C). The value of specific heat capacity varies with temperature and is an essential property in understanding the thermal behavior of materials. One of the common methods to measure the specific heat capacity of metals is the cooling method, which is based on Newton's Law of Cooling. By observing the cooling rate of a heated metal, the specific heat capacity can be determined.

The LETI-12 Apparatus offers innovative improvements over traditional methods for measuring the specific heat capacity of metals. Instead of relying solely on natural cooling, the apparatus incorporates forced convection cooling to compare and analyze the effects of different cooling conditions on the cooling rate. Additionally, the device features a PTC heating plate for safer operation and a PT100 platinum resistance sensor, replacing the traditional copper-constantan thermocouple. The design of the specimen chamber has also been modified, making experimental procedures more convenient.

Using copper as the standard specimen, this apparatus enables the measurement of the specific heat capacities of iron and aluminum under both forced convective cooling and natural cooling conditions. This allows students to explore the relationship between cooling rates and cooling environments while mastering the technique of measuring specific heat capacity via the cooling method.

The LETI-12 Apparatus allows students to conduct the following experiments:

1. Measure Temperature Using PT100 Platinum Resistance:

   Students can learn to accurately measure temperature using the PT100 resistance, which is known for its precision and reliability in temperature sensing.

2. Measure Specific Heat Capacity of Iron and Aluminum under Forced Convective Cooling:

   Perform experiments to measure the specific heat capacities of iron and aluminum specimens at 100°C under forced convective cooling conditions, allowing students to analyze how the rate of cooling impacts specific heat capacity.

3. Measure Specific Heat Capacity of Iron and Aluminum under Natural Cooling:

   Compare the results of the forced convective cooling experiments by measuring the specific heat capacities of the same specimens under natural cooling conditions, further deepening the understanding of cooling dynamics.

The LETI-12 Apparatus offers students a comprehensive understanding of the principles behind specific heat capacity measurements, including:

- The application of PT100 platinum resistance for accurate temperature measurement.

- The practical comparison of cooling methods (forced convective vs. natural cooling) in determining specific heat capacity.

- The opportunity to learn a modern and safe method for measuring the specific heat capacity of metals using cooling curves.

The instruction manual provides:

- Detailed experimental configurations and setup instructions.

- Step-by-step guidance through each experiment, ensuring students gain hands-on experience with both the cooling method and the experimental apparatus.

- Explanations of the theoretical principles behind specific heat capacity, cooling rates, and their application in real-world contexts.

- Example results to help students interpret data and make comparisons between different cooling environments.

For further insights into the principles of specific heat capacity, the cooling method, and the application of modern temperature sensors, refer to the Experiment Theory and Contents. The LETI-12 Apparatus is an invaluable tool for students studying thermal properties and materials science in general physics and engineering courses.

Key Specifications

PTC heater

working voltage 30 VAC

stable temperature > 200 °C

temperature limiting 260 °C

Digital Ohm meter0 ~ 199.99 Ω, resolution 0.01 Ω
Metal specimenscopper, iron and aluminum, each one, length 65 mm, diameter 8 mm

Part List

Electric unit1
Specimen chamber1 (including heater, fan, PT100)
Specimen3 (copper, iron, aluminum)
Connection wires2
Stop watch1
Power cord1
Instruction manual1


An example of experimental results

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