Physics Lab Equipment

LEAI-70A Apparatus for Determining Curie Temperature of Ferrite Materials

LEAI-70A Apparatus for Determining Curie Temperature of Ferrite Materials


  • Easy to use, simple structure, and stable performance

  • Ample experimental examples

  • Complete system


The LEAI-70A Apparatus is designed for studying the fundamental properties of magnetic materials, with a particular focus on Curie temperature, a critical characteristic of ferromagnetic** materials. Curie temperature represents the transition temperature at which a magnetic material changes from a ferromagnetic state (strong magnetic properties) to a paramagnetic state (weaker, temperature-dependent magnetic properties).

This apparatus is ideal for college-level physics teaching and laboratory experiments, as it allows students to explore the magnetic properties of materials and understand the phase transition behavior between ferromagnetism and paramagnetism.

By using a platinum resistance as a temperature sensor in conjunction with an electrical bridge circuit, students can measure the temperature dependence of the magnetic moment of a sample. The electrical bridge output voltage (V) is measured at various temperatures (T), allowing students to plot and determine the Curie temperature (Tc). This experimental setup provides a compact, stable, and reliable means of conducting modern physics experiments related to magnetism.

The LEAI-70A apparatus enables students to conduct several key experiments related to magnetism and Curie temperature:

1. Understand the Mechanism of Transition between Ferromagnetism and Paramagnetism:

   Students will study how the magnetic properties of ferrite materials change with temperature, particularly as they transition between the ferromagnetic state (where materials have strong magnetic moments) and the paramagnetic state (where materials exhibit weaker magnetic responses).

2. Determine the Curie Temperature of Ferrite Materials:

   Using the AC electrical bridge method, students will determine the Curie temperature (Tc) of various ferrite materials by measuring the temperature-induced changes in magnetic moment and relating these to the phase transition between ferromagnetism and paramagnetism.

The instruction manual contains comprehensive materials including experimental configurations, principles and step-by-step instructions. Please click Experiment Theory and Contents to find more information about this apparatus.


Signal sourcesine wave, 1000 Hz, 0 ~ 2 V continuously adjustable

AC voltmeter (3 scales)

range 0 ~ 1.999 V; resolution: 0.001 V
range 0 ~ 199.9 mV; resolution: 0.1 mV
range 0 ~ 19.99 mV; resolution: 0.01 mV
Temperature controlroom temperature to 80 °C; resolution: 0.1 °C
Ferromagnetic samples2 sets of different Curie temperatures, 3 pcs/set)


Plot of recorded experimental data

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